301 Rossview Rd. Clarksville, Tn 37043
Phone: (931) 647-8260
Rev. Frederick E. Daniels, Sr., Pastor


Statement of purpose:

 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Proverb 31:26, 27

The Mothers’ Board is a group within the Church that is composed of women who are mature, of good character, possess wisdom, and who love the Church.  The women are chosen by the Pastor and Congregation as examples of Holy living in the family as well as in the church.  The Mothers are expected to study the Word of God daily, demonstrate a high-profile Christian lifestyle in their every-day living, and  to teach the younger women.  They are prepared to offer counseling assistance and direction, as well as, words of encouragement and prayer.


President: Mother Paulette Coffey

Vice President: Mother Lois Glover

Secretary: Mother Angela Daniels

Members: Mothers Essie Jackson, Paulette Lewis & Rubye Whitlock
